• What is a Cookie?
    It is a harmless little text file that is stored on your computer, mobile device or network server and contains a number of characters when you visit any website. Cookies cannot collect any content or information, including your personal data, that exists on your device and files. Cookies on websites collect data about your browsing and usage preferences on your device, depending on the type of cookie. Thanks to this data, it allows you to provide personalized web pages specific to you to provide a faster visit or shopping experience that is more suitable for your personal needs.
  • How do we use cookies?
    The information obtained through cookies installed on your devices is used for statistical analysis, to improve personal experiences, to increase security measures and to manage advertising activities. Any of your personal data is not collected through cookies.
  • What are the Types of Cookies?
    There are two types of cookies according to their validity period, these are Permanent Cookies and Temporary Cookies. Temporary cookies are created when you visit websites and remain valid until you close your browser, they are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are created while you are visiting websites and remain on your devices until you delete them or they expire. Persistent cookies are used to provide an improved personal experience that is compatible with your settings. Temporary and permanent type cookies are used on our ART DIGITAL AGENCY website to distinguish you from our other users, to match according to your interests and usage preferences. In addition to cookies designed by us as ART DIGITAL AGENCY, cookies provided by third parties may also be used within the scope of our services.
  • Mandatory Cookies
    Cookies are necessary for the correct and effective operation of Internet sites. Mandatory cookies are used to ensure that websites work correctly and securely, users can create their accounts and log in to the system, and prevent fraudulent transactions. If these cookies are not used, the websites will not work correctly and securely.
  • Analytical Cookies
    These cookies contain data that allows us to see which of the websites on which we offer our services and products attracts more attention, which pages and resources are viewed more, and analyze the movement on our websites and improve our services and products according to this analysis. Cookies used in these features store information anonymously, that is, without personal data.
  • Function Cookies
    These are cookies used to facilitate your visit to the websites and to improve your personal experience on the websites. Thanks to these cookies, it allows you to easily access your accounts and content by remembering your previous visit to the website.
  • Advertising Cookies
    It is cookies that allow us to identify content that is appropriate for the interests of our users and provide appropriate services and products. We may use third-party cookies on all web platforms we serve and other websites we advertise on in order to recognize our users and provide them with special ads. Thanks to these cookies, we aim to increase advertising efficiency by scaling our ads.
  • How Can You Prevent the Use of Cookies?
    Almost all browsers are defined in such a way that they automatically accept cookies. However, you can check these settings or delete cookies at any time. However, if you delete or block cookies in your browser, the standard products and features on the websites may not work. In addition, you cannot use personalized features based on your personal usage habits. Managing cookies in browsers differs in settings depending on the browser brand. Please click on the browser link you are using to get detailed information about this subject, including detailed information according to the browser brands.
  • Google Chrome:
  • Mozilla Firefox:
  • Internet Explorer:
  • Opera:
  • Opera Mobile:
  • Safari Computer:
  • Safari Mobile:

If you need more information, you can contact us via one of our preferred communication methods:

E-mail: hello@artdigitalagency.co.uk
Phone: +90 544 224 23 45